About Me

I was a girl who never envisioned a wedding or a family... and fortunately, God had other plans.

I met my husband at my 18th birthday party, when my lab partner brought his roommate along.  
It was a surprise ~ the party, and the boy.  He's been my best friend since that day.  We are blessed with a crazy, beautiful life centered around our Catholic faith.  We are Nana & Gramps to seven delightful grandbabies.

I am a happy and grateful mama to eight wonderful people ~ three are married, one is in college. 

I homeschool the youngest four in a eclectic sort of a way...
Twenty one years down and eleven to go.

I love all things homekeeping.  I strive for a healthy measure of optimism, humor, and balance.  
Sometimes it works.

I write so that my head doesn't fill up with words.  

Planners, essays, lists, calendars, sticky notes...  A blog seemed reasonable.

I am a passionate advocate of the importance of mothering.

I love elaborate coffee shop concoctions, but prefer tea of every sort at home.

I love birch trees, old postcards, old churches, Tasha Tudor's books, daisies, and hydrangea.

If it were possible necessary, I would live in old Montreal, close to the port.

I chose the apartment in 1982, not coincidentally the year we were married.
Old stone building...third floor...white lace curtains...real shutters...window boxes...roses...
Calming just to see those words...

I read the end of the book first.  I am told that some people don't see the inherent logic in such a practice.
I believe vanilla ice cream is boring.  I am told that some people disagree with that stance as well.

I believe in the power of the seaside to heal one's troubles, 
no matter how deeply wounded the soul.

I believe in the power of a proper Date Night.
If he plays his cards right, I won't need the Montreal apartment.

1 comment:

  1. :) that's my girl ! I am SO proud of her !!
